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    December 2007
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  • Lost Journal Introduction

The End OF The Dream

We continue to live in our dream, or is it ours?
Was it not in place before we became conscious of our selves?
We all pretend to be concerned for the welfare of the environment yet we have done precious little to slow down or stop that which we have caused to develop although some deny that there is even a problem at all! They would rather not believe in “cause and effect” it is so much easier to live guilt-free in this way but it is they who are in denial.

“We” have become lost in the wasteland of pavement, concrete and glass. Mile wide parking lots and even larger buildings, filled with all manner of goods in this world of consumption. We walk through the mazes of isles, lined with metal shelving, stacked with whatever our hearts desire. We can spend hours here among the plastics, cheap veneers, polyester and rayon fabrics. The smell of toxic fumes we no longer notice, it has become a part of us. In fact newborn babies are born with over 200 known carcinogens and toxic chemicals in their bloodstream. We have poisoned our children before they are even born!!

We judge ourselves and our worth on what we can or cannot afford. We get self-esteem from what we own be it a monster home or the latest designer outfits. We buy many things whether we really need them or not! because…
we are truly lost. We have lost the true meaning of life,love and happiness. It is now something we buy and replace when it has become boring or no longer the latest thing.
Constantly striving to keep up with the latest model, latest trend. To be on the cutting-edge, modern, hip, but never able to maintain this illusive goal. Why?
There is a never ending line of leading edge technology and fashionable items that we will forever be enticed to buy. Throw away the old to obtain the new! We are obscene, we have lost all control.
We are lied to and we choose to believe. We are becoming more and more complacent. We are self-righteous in our belief that our way is the right way and to deviate from that “norm” is to become a traitor or worse, a terrorist?

Well, we have all become unlikely terrorists, terrorists of the earth! We take without giving back. The only species to do so on this planet.

We bury millions of tons of garbage into the soil and it leaches toxins into the earths watersheds poisoning fish and fowl habitats, wetlands species are endangered some extinct forever. We store tons of radioactive waste, we do not know how to dispose of it safely; yet we continue to create more and more. It remains radioactive for thousands of years. We use pesticide, herbicides and fungicides on our crops to kill not only unwanted insects and pests but also the harmless ones. Many species are affected including the bee population and bird population which are paying a high price of our ignorance and greed. The bee population is in serious decline, making mankind’s days on earth numbered as we all should know; no pollinators = no food.

We continue to poison the atmosphere as well with our governments reluctance to stop using fossil fuel. We are also to blame for we elect governments who are supported by and/or indebted to corporations. We support the industry each time we buy a truck, car, van or take a vacation by airplane. Every time we buy a gas powered engine be it a lawn mower, leaf-blower, gas hedge-trimmer, ATV, dirt-bike or snowmobile, these purchases display our total disregard for the environment. It is truly unbelievable that we choose our ease and comfort or our entertainment vehicles or our status symbols, over the air we breath! Madness maybe?
The earth, the environment cannot sustain our over consumption of natural resources. We are told our society will collapse if we stop consuming. It is the earths biosphere which will/is collapsing! We are collectively being manipulated yet some will read this and claim, “No! I choose to live this way!” or “I like my life, why should I care about what happens after I’m dead and gone?” or “I recycle, I care!” Sadly it is much to little, to late.

We will reap the consequences of our inaction towards the environment.

We are ravaging and plundering the earth, we are laying waste to the seas and the forests. The soil and atmosphere are poisoned. Therefore the food we eat is contaminated. Governments therefore have created a scale of acceptable limits to create a sense of security. We ignore the danger signs; cancer, infertility,etc.
Each and every day we continue on… in blissful denial.