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  • Lost Journal Introduction


Welcome to my site! I am a published,  freelance writer of short stories, opinion pieces, narratives, prose and poetry.

I am a non-conformist, I do not believe in any organized religion but I am spiritual and contemplative.

I have lived in both the city and the countryside and I am pulled in both directions at once.

I spent many years living on a farm and grew to care for and respect all animals.

I have been told I am very opinionated and can be stubborn at times, must be the Aries in me.

I enjoy a good sense of humor and believe laughter is the best medicine!  I am not a goody-two-shoes, never was, I despise brown-nosers and those who try to make themselves look better by putting other people down.

Loyalty and integrity are very important to me.  I find there is a lack of both in the world today.

A true and loyal friend is very rare.

There is no love equal too that of a mothers love for her children.

One day all children will be raised by state institutions implemented because everyone will work at some form of job, therefore persons will be hired to help raise the children while the parents are at work!  These institutions will be called “day-cares”.   A friendly, familiar term.

There is a whole generation of wanna be stars.  I think they are being manipulated into believing the world was created to provide them with entertainment!  they are being taught to live to work to get paid to buy those things that will provide entertainment.

People are now referred to as consumers,  it makes me sick!

I want to know the truth, not just what they want us to know.  I do not believe anything that is reported in the news these days.

It is all manipulated, spin or hype and we should all find out the facts for ourselves whenever possible.

I am concerned for the future, our civil liberties and freedoms are being taken away and we are being led to believe it is for our own security?

Who are we more afraid of now? our own government and what they can do to us?

or… those they call terrorists?

History can be used to manipulate society via education and/or the media. History is written by the winners and therefore the facts can be embellished, re-written, omitted and even manufactured to benefit the victors and their successors over those who have been defeated (the losers).  Josef Stalin is a prime example.

I write to inform, I research my topics, I double check my sources.

I am very concerned for Canada’s environment and the blatant way the federal government has ignored its duties to protect our natural resources and pristine wilderness.

Canadians and many Canadian Political leaders are being held hostage by the tar-sands of Alberta and its dirty oil.

We should be ashamed, we the people supporting such a government that believes money and power are more important than the earth, the only planet we know of that supports human life and the life of billions of diverse species.

Our political leaders lack courage, they lack foresight, they are fearful of the change that is coming one way or another.

The tar-sands are an environmental disaster yet, the Canadian government has given “big oil” total support. Offering up subsidies, ignoring the pollution, toxic waste, fresh water depletion and environmental degradation.

We need to focus on the bigger picture, our mistakes may not so easily be undone and then… it will be too late.

Tailings Waste Water

Tailings Waste Water

Toxic Waste Tailings Pond (lake)

Toxic Waste Tailings Pond (lake)

An ariel view of the widespread destruction.

An ariel view of the widespread destruction.


2 Responses

  1. I run a blog called http://www.chancehappens.com. I’m looking for stories of chance events, fate, destiny and randomness in life. Got anything like that? If so, would you consider posting to our site? Thanks! – Lee Schneider

  2. Thank you for the invite, I will check it out.

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