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    February 2008
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Prices Quick to Jump!

We have all heard the recent news; food prices are going to rise especially foods made with grains such as wheat.  It seems farmers have been encouraged to grow crops solely for the purpose of bio-fuels leading to a shortage in food crops.  The prices paid for growing bio-fuels is much more lucrative for farmers who have struggled for years to make a descent living.  This creates another problem for those of us who eat food though,  rising prices in the check-out line. 

There will soon be a world-wide shortage of wheat,  in fact,  the marketing boards which control the sale of wheat will be implementing strict controls this year. 

I went shopping yesterday and what did I notice?  Price increases!  Oh, yes, as soon as the news becomes public knowledge the grocery stores hike up the prices before the real crisis has even hit.

The prices were predicted to go up for breads and  bakery items, cookies, dry cereals, flour and grain products made from wheat.  The grocery stores however have decided to raise prices for other goods as well, such as canned foods, and conveniences foods such as macaroni & cheese in a box, which was an incredible $1.69 a box!

Foods that we once bought to try and stretch our grocery budget for the week are now becoming expensive!  This is just the beginning and while the middle class are going to feel the strain on their pocket books this coming year ahead, those in the low income bracket are going to find it very difficult to feed their family.  The food banks which are a disgrace to our country and should be to our government as well, will also feel the crunch; as food costs rise donations will most certainly become less and less.

The worldwide shortage of wheat is just the beginning of a new reality; the rationing of food.  Those of us who have never suffered through war, drought, or famine will for the first time feel what its like to do without.  A harsh reality that many of us will deny could ever happen here in North America;  even as many of your neighbours and their children rely on food banks every month, just to survive.

We as a society have lost sight of what is truly important.  We have let government and corporations dictate to us what is important and what it is we need in life.  We have been manipulated and deceived on a grand scale and now we will pay the price.

To use agriculture to grow bio-fuels, to deplete the soils with corn crops and ignore growing food crops is greed of the utmost!  To devote our planet to keeping the cars and trucks on the road at all costs,  is truly insane.

by sandra lynn  Feb,14th/08  ©