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Animals Don’t, So Why Do We?

I wonder if anyone else has ever asked the question; why do we defecate and urinate in water?  With the earths fresh water supply slowly dwindling away, do you not believe it is time to re-think the way we dispose of our human waste products?  In the cities the water you flush down the toilet is the same water that comes out of your tap! Think about it!  So, it is treated with chemicals! Does that make it healthy?

 It is a well known fact that chlorinated water is carcinogenic and these carcinogens are stored in the fat cells of human/animal tissue.  Prolonged ingestion of chlorinated water is not good for you!  There are safer ways to treat water without the risks but it is more expensive and of course, governments don’t  want to spend the money on it.

So whos bright idea was it and why?   Is it because someone by the name of “Crapper”,  invented the indoor toilet using water as a  method of  flushing away the crap? I will assume this is the reasoning behind mankind  flushing billions of gallons of fresh water, loaded with human waste and other added chemical cleansers,  into the environment.

It is wrong! It is disgusting! Animals don’t even shit in their own water!  So, why should we?

  There are other ways to deal with this natural human bodily function without contaminating our earths  fresh water supply. The earth is warming, drying up rivers and streams, this, compounded by our brilliant idea to build cities in the desert, draining  many rivers and underground streams, for what?  So people can live in a sunny, hot climate? or maybe it is because a gambling casino was built and a city was then built around it?  How insane is that one!

Water will become the new oil before the end of the next decade if,  we do not change our greedy, selfish, ignorant ways. 

Next entry I will write about the different methods of dealing with human waste that does not require the wasting of fresh water.