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Addicts fill the Jails

It has been documented that 5 of every 6 inmates are substance abusers.  The stats are even worse when it comes to education!,  80% have only made it to grade 10 before dropping out.

Why is it we condemn those who must feed their drug habit to committing criminal offenses to get what they most need?  

If it where not for the laws that were created and imposed, laws that make it a crime to obtain certain drugs,  our jails would be virtually empty.  Tax payers money could be spent on much more positive endeavors such as education, health-care and a clean environment.

Without the law there is no crime committed.  The war on drugs is a dismal failure, and a money pit; expenses are astronomical and the good that comes from it is little to nil.

We must stop this nonsense and look at these issues with a less barbaric attitude.  Locking up addicts is no way to treat them.

Addicts are not responsible for the crimes that they commit because they are not doing so for any other reason than to obtain that which they are addicted to!  They are not the person they use to be as they are driven by a desperate physical need.  Without that need they would not commit the crime.  If the drug was easily accessible and not “illegal” they could be monitored and treated accordingly.  It makes so much more sense than creating criminals because we are too ignorant to change the laws,  instituted by age-old prejudice and fear.

Treating people who are sick like animals and criminals is not doing society any good whatsoever!  Those who have a physical addiction need help to manage the addiction,  and we should not look to the government to deal with this issue any longer.

They are dead wrong, and the war on drugs was over before it had even begun.